Aufblasbare Rettungsweste
150 NISO12402-3ISO12401

Aufblasbare Rettungsweste - Seasafe Systems Ltd - 150 N / ISO12402-3 / ISO12401
Aufblasbare Rettungsweste - Seasafe Systems Ltd - 150 N / ISO12402-3 / ISO12401
Aufblasbare Rettungsweste - Seasafe Systems Ltd - 150 N / ISO12402-3 / ISO12401 - Bild - 2
Aufblasbare Rettungsweste - Seasafe Systems Ltd - 150 N / ISO12402-3 / ISO12401 - Bild - 3
Aufblasbare Rettungsweste - Seasafe Systems Ltd - 150 N / ISO12402-3 / ISO12401 - Bild - 4
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150 N
Norm für Schwimmhilfen
ISO12402-3, ISO12401
für Kinder
Weitere Eigenschaften
Gewicht des Benutzers

Max: 40 kg
(88 lb)

Min: 15 kg
(33 lb)


All Junior Life Jackets are intended for younger people who’s weight is between 15 & 40 kgs. The unique design of the jacket will make these users more interested in wearing these lifejackets. Produced in a selection of cool and funky cover styles and even made to a user’s own design & supplied material . The unique design of the Junior Life jacket’s let’s you remove or replace the cover using the inner zip. The Junior 150N Lifejacket incorporates a fully approved deck safety harness and is available with automatic inflation only. Back-up manual and oral inflation is standard, as is the whistle and crotch strap. A non detachable crotch strap stitched into the Lifejacket. Using polyester webbing on this jacket which includes a quick burst section opening with a 5 seconds inflation. The crotch strap includes a belt tidy and the harness links are all stainless steel. Options available for this jacket include SOLAS light, embroidery, printing & additional retro-reflective tape on the front panel.

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* Die Preise verstehen sich ohne MwSt., Versandkosten und Zollgebühren. Eventuelle Zusatzkosten für Installation oder Inbetriebnahme sind nicht enthalten. Es handelt sich um unverbindliche Preisangaben, die je nach Land, Kurs der Rohstoffe und Wechselkurs schwanken können.